Color Branding

Color Branding

Part of branding is about colors! Colors is very important in representing your brand. And were happy to share some tips with you! And here's what the colors represent: 
1. Yellow: Optimism, warmth, clarity 
2. Balanced: neutral, calm, balance
3. Orange: friendly, cheerful, confidence
4. Red: Bold, power, excitement
5 Blue: trust, strength, stability
6. Green: peaceful, growth, health
7. Purple: creative, wise, imaginative
8. Diversified: mixed feelings 
Think yellow like McDonalds, Balanced like Apple, Orange like Fanta or Sunkist. Red like Marvel, Blue like Facebook, Green like Spotify or Land Rover, Purple like Taco Bell and Diversified like NBC logo or Ebay. 
Hope this guide helps! 
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